Keeping Children Safe

Who We Are: We are Supervised Access Ireland. We help parents and families spend time together in a safe and caring way.

What We Do:

  • We help families meet safely.
  • We provide emergency help.
  • We offer advice to families.
  • We help families solve problems peacefully.
  • We visit homes to understand family needs.

Our Main Job: We make sure children are safe and happy when they spend time with their parents or other family members. Our team is there to help make visits fun and safe.

Important Rules for Children:

  • Be kind and respectful to everyone.
  • Listen to the adults helping you.
  • Tell an adult if you feel scared or upset.

Important Rules for Adults:

  • Always be fair and kind to children.
  • Listen to children and make them feel important.
  • Never hurt or scare children.
  • Keep private things private unless it’s to keep someone safe.

What to Do If Something’s Wrong:

  • If you see or feel something that worries you, tell an adult you trust.
  • We will listen to you and help you feel safe.

Why This Matters: We want every child to feel happy, safe, and cared for. Our goal is to make sure everyone has a good time together.

Child Safeguarding Statement Explained

What is Supervised Access