Parental alienation (PA) is defined as a set of behaviours that are harmful and damaging to a child’s emotional and mental health. It generally involves the mental manipulation and/or bullying of the child to pick between their mother or father. These behaviours can also result in destroying a loving and warm relationship they once shared with a parent.
Parental Alienation
Professionals agree that Parental Alienation exists and is damaging to children, and can affect them into adulthood.
What is Parental Alienation (PA)?

Damaging effects to child
Parental alienation (PA) and hostile aggressive parenting (HAP) deprive children of their right to be loved by and showing love for both of their parents and extended family. Parental Alienation can occur in intact families, but is mostly seen in separated and divorced families.
Parents/guardians using alienation tactics to hurt the other ‘target’ parent have been compared to cult leaders. They deny access to anything that may challenge their view of the other parent, including any photographs, or communication.
Professionals agree that the problem exists and it’s damaging to children, and can affect them into adulthood.
Parental alienation syndrome
Parental alienation syndrome (PAS) is a psychological condition most often observed in children affected by high conflict divorce and/or separation. It is one of the most damaging outcomes affecting children as a result of exposure to PA (Parental alienation) or Hostile-Aggressive Parenting. The most common symptom of children affected by PAS is their severe opposition to contact with one parent and/or overt hatred toward such parent when there is little and often, no logical reason to explain the child’s behaviour. The effects of PAS can last well into adulthood and may last for a lifetime with tragic consequences.
What's the difference?
Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) is different from Parental Alienation (PA). PAS refers to the behaviours of the child, whereas PA describes the abusive behaviours of a parent or caregiver. There are many debates as to whether PAS exists or is ‘Junk Science’. PAAO believes that is for the experts to decide, we concentrate on bringing awareness and education about the abusive behaviours of parents & caregivers, whether or not they cause PAS is not important, what is important is that the abuse be recognized and stopped.

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