Home studies are of paramount importance to the progress of families. The assessors involved in this area have a varied background – from Social Work to Psychology. The professionals involved in your home study will be relevant to the details provided and the need. Home study assessments referrals are usually by court order
Home Study Assessments & Reports
The assessments help all parties involved in the support of a family to gather the relevant information to bring the family closer.
Home study

Family Assessments
Separated parents sometimes have difficulty establishing a care plan for their children. This can result in intense conflict and delays in establishing stability for children. Parents can agree to retain assessors to thoroughly investigate their circumstances of children and their situations in order to make recommendations for parenting plans. Sometimes, assessments are ordered in family court. In all cases, the recommendations included in assessments are to reflect the best interests of the involved children. There are times parents or others with attachments to children require Guardianship or Parent/Child Capacity Assessments.
high quality care
Many children require an accurate and reliable assessment to identify areas of need so that strategies can be formulated to meet those areas. Currently, the availability of this type of assessment is limited within our health, welfare and justice systems. We offer a comprehensive team of professionals who are committed to providing high quality care to families, children and adolescents
- Supervised Access Ireland (SAI) offer a multidisciplinary evaluation team dedicated to providing a dynamic view to assessments.
- We provide a viable and flexible assessment process.
- We deliver a client centred, multi-disciplinary assessment service to identify needs and strengths
- Our assessment team consists in clinical psychologists, educational psychologists, psychotherapists, speech and language therapists and occupational therapists

Get in Touch
Contact us today to enquire about any of our services.