Audited externally  and found compliant December 2024

1. Introduction

This Child Safeguarding Statement is in compliance with the requirements of the Children First Act 2015 and of Children First National Guidelines for the Protection and Welfare of Children 2017. The statement sets out the services being provided by Supervised Access Ireland (SAI) and the principles and procedures that are in place to ensure, as far as practicable, that a child/young person availing of, or in contact with SAI services is safe from abuse or harm.  This statement includes an assessment of risk of “harm” to a child/young person while availing of or in contact with SAI and procedures to manage such risks are specified.
This document has been developed with reference to the following:

  • Children First Act 2015
  • “Children First: National Guidance for the Welfare and Protection of Children”. (DYCA 2017)
  • “Guidance on Developing a Child Safeguarding Statement” (Tusla2017)
  • “What is a risk assessment?” (Tusla 2017)
  • Child Safeguarding: A Guide for Policy, Procedure and Practice (Tusla 2017)
  • Best Practice Principles for Organisations in Developing Children First Training
  • Programmes (Tusla 2017)
  • Addendum to Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children. Online Safety (Tusla 2019)

2. The legal requirement for Supervised Access Ireland (SAI) to complete a Child Safeguarding Statement, as a relevant service, is as follows:

Under Section 10 of the Children First Act 2015 a provider of a relevant service “shall ensure, as far as practicable, that each child availing of the service from the provider is safe from harm while availing of that service.”
Provider means in relation to a relevant service, a person.
(a) who provides a relevant service, and
(b) Who, in respect of the provision of such relevant service-

  • Employs (whether under contract of employment or otherwise) one or more than one other person to undertake any work or activity that constitutes a relevant service,
  • Enters into a contract for services with one or more than one person for the provision by the person of a relevant service, or
  • Permits one or more than one person (whether or not for commercial or other consideration and whether or not as part of a course of education or training, including an internship scheme) to undertake any work or activity, on behalf of the person, that constitutes a relevant service.”

(Reference Schedule 1 Children First Act 2015 for a full definition of relevant services)
Providers of such relevant services, such as SAI, are required under Section 11 (2) of the Act to:

  1. Undertake an assessment of any risk including the potential for harm to a child while availing of the service
  2. Prepare in accordance with subsection (3) a child safeguarding statement, and
  3. Appoint a relevant person as the first point of contact in relation to the Child Safeguarding Statement

Section 11(3) of the act states that such a “child safeguarding statement shall include a written assessment of the risk and, in that regard, specify the procedures that are in place:

  1. To manage any risks identified
  2. In respect of any member of staff who is the subject of any investigation (howsoever described) in respect of any act, omission or circumstance in respect of a child availing of the relevant service.
  3. For the selection or recruitment of any person as a member of staff of the provider with regard to that person’s suitability to work with children
  4. For the provision of information and, where necessary, instruction and training, to staff of the provider in relation to the identification of the occurrence of harm
  5. For reporting to the Agency (TUSLA, Child and Family Agency) by the provider or a member of staff of the provider (whether a mandated person or otherwise) in accordance with this act or the guidelines issued by the Minister under Section 6

(Children First National Guidelines, 2017)

  1. For maintaining a list of persons (if any) of the relevant service who are mandated persons, and
  2. For appointing a relevant person for the purposes of this part of the Act.

The relevant person for SAI is Robert McCormack . His contact details are :

Robert Mc Cormack
Unit 10C, Bailis Village, Navan , Co Meath
Telf: 087 2853472

Children First national guidance states that providers of relevant services should also appoint a named person to lead the implementation of guiding principles and child safeguarding procedures. This person is also responsible for ensuring that the policies and procedures are aligned with best practice as set out in Children First national guidance 2017.

The named person for SAI is : Robert Mc Cormack

3. Nature of Service

Supervised Access Ireland (Core Caring Limited) provides services of access supervision across Ireland, which encompasses monitoring the access between non-custodial parents/family members and their children. Staff have contact with children, uniquely, during the allocated supervised access times. Supervised access is primarily provided in public areas.


  • SAI has completed this child safeguarding statement in respect of all their services, based in all locations across Ireland
  • It will be the responsibility of the providers of relevant services who are working either jointly with SAI or using our services, to have in place their own Children First compliant policy and procedures. This should include a completed child safeguarding risk assessment, a child safeguarding statement and confirmation that a relevant person is appointed.
  • This child safeguarding statement has been furnished to all SAI staff. Additionally, it is made available to the public, parents and Tusla on request.

4. Principles to Safeguard Children and keep them safe from harm

SAI is committed to a child centred approach in the provision of our services.
SAI are committed to the following principles in safeguarding children and maintaining child centred services:

  • That the safety and welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility
  • That the promotion of the welfare, health and safety of children is paramount
  • That all children have an equal right to be respected as individuals and encouraged to reach their potential, regardless of background
  • That SAI firmly commits to the safety and protection of every child attending our services, regardless of race, ability, ethnicity, or sexual orientation
  • That children/young people raising welfare or abuse concerns will be treated equally and listened to by staff
  • That any identified welfare or protection concern of a child that becomes known to SAI staff will be managed appropriately by the body and in compliance with best practice as set out in Children First 2017 and within SAI Policy and Procedures for the Protection and Safeguarding of  Children 2024
  • That a procedure is in place to ensure a Relevant Person is appointed for the purposes of the Children First Act.
  • That safe management procedures are in place for all SAI staff, covering recruitment, and a person’s suitability to work with children and or vulnerable persons.
  • That a list of mandated persons is maintained, if applicable, in respect of safeguarding children. Such persons are to be identified, trained, and known to all staff
  • That safe procedures are in place and implemented, to respond to an allegation of abuse of a child/young person against staff
  • That procedures are in place to respond to an allegation of abuse of a child by another child/young person
  • That procedures are in place to respond to retrospective disclosures of child abuse
  • That procedures are in place for the provision of information and where necessary a specific safeguarding children training plan is in place to ensure that all staff are aware of their role in keeping children safe and to raise organisational awareness of this issue
  • That a specific safeguarding children communication plan is in place
  • That SAI has developed and is maintaining clear and secure record keeping procedures in respect of child welfare and protection concerns. Such records will be retained by the Designated Liaison Person.
  • That a code of behaviour is in place for staff which sets out their responsibilities in interacting with children and young people
  • That a code of behaviour is in place which outlines the responsibilities of children and young people in their interactions with each other and adults whilst accessing SAI services
  • That SAI recognises the importance of multi-agency working in keeping children safe and on that basis working relationships have been developed with the relevant statutory agencies e.g. An Garda Síochana and Tusla

5. Risk Assessment

SAI is involved in the direct provision of childcare services therefore as per the requirements of complying with the Children First Act 2015 SAI has completed a risk assessment with a view to having a safeguarding plan in place which minimises the risk to any children in receipt of their services.
The completed risk assessment framework is as set out below.

Section 11(1) (a) of the Children First Act 2015 defines risk as ‘any potential for harm to a child while availing of the service’
Section 2 of the Act defines harms as ‘harm means in relation to a child:

  1. Assault, ill-treatment or neglect of the child in a manner that seriously affects or is likely to seriously affect the child’s health, development or welfare
  2. Sexual abuse of the child, whether caused by a single act, omission or circumstances or a series or combination of acts omissions or circumstances or otherwise

Risk Assessment Framework

The table below sets out the identified risks to the safety of children and young people, involved with or in contact with SAI services and the steps taken to manage and minimise the risk of harm.
Responsibility is placed on SAI and external providers of relevant services and who are providing a service to children, to manage the risk issues relevant to them and to take steps to minimise the risk of harm. 
*Rank: L = Low, M =Medium, H = High (at point of completion of this framework)

Potential risk/harm to children identified  L
Current controls- procedure in place to mitigate risk identified Any future actions required by SAI directors? 
1) A named person is not appointed to ensure implementation of the Act (Children First Act 2015) L A named person has been identified. The details of this person are known to all SAI staff, funded groups and relevant agencies. Ensure the named person is aware of his/her responsibilities and that an annual report is provided on implementation and compliance with the Act and the Children First national guidance
2) A declaration of guiding principles in safeguarding is not in place L The guiding principles for safeguarding children are contained within the SAI Child
Safeguarding Statement and within SAI Safeguarding Children Procedures
Ensure all staff and relevant bodies are aware of the guiding principles
3) Key child safeguarding personnel are not in place, including designated liaison person (DLP) and mandated persons (where applicable) L Designated liaison person and Deputy liaison person are in place. Ensure the safeguarding structure is established and populated by appropriately trained and experienced personnel
4) Contact details for DLPs are not known L Contact details for DLPs are within the safeguarding children procedures document and online on the website under Safeguarding Children and in safeguarding notices on site. Ensure the safeguarding children communications plan is implemented
5) DLP roles are not clearly understood by all staff L All staff and relevant others have received briefing information in respect of the role and function of DLPs and their role in safeguarding children. Ensure the safeguarding children training plan is implemented
6) Mandated persons roles are not clearly understood by all staff L All staff and relevant others have received briefing information in respect of the role and function of mandated persons.  As above in 5
7) A procedure for maintaining a list of mandated persons is not in place L A procedure for maintaining a list of mandated persons is in place and is held by the named person responsible for leading the implementation of the Act. Ensure the named person establishes and maintains a list of mandated persons
8) Children First compliant procedures are not in place for reporting children first or welfare concerns – allegations, suspicions, concerns, or knowledge in respect of child abuse are not reported appropriately L A safeguarding children policy and procedures document is in place which is Children First compliant. Ensure that an annual report is produced in respect of the status of compliance with Children First
9) All staff are not aware of the need to inform TUSLA if reasonable grounds for concern are deemed to exist in respect of an allegation of abuse of a child L All staff have access to the safeguarding children policy and procedures document. In addition, they have completed the Tusla E learning Children First module Ensure the safeguarding children training plan is implemented
10) Children First compliant procedures are not in place for information sharing and recording all child protection   or welfare concerns, including those which initially do not meet reasonable grounds for concern L Children First compliant procedures are in place for information sharing and recording all child protection  or welfare concerns in respect of children and young people. This process is managed by the DLP. Ensure an annual report is received from the named person
11) Guidance is not in place to minimise the risk of harm to a child by a member of staff/volunteer L Reference code of conduct and guidance for safe management of access sessions. Process for managing allegations against staff
12) Guidance is not in place to minimise the risk of harm to a child by a visitor to the service L Reference codes of conduct and guidance for safe management of access sessions
13) Guidance is not in place to minimise the risk of harm to a child through lack of supervision L Reference codes of conduct and guidance for safe management of access sessions
14) Guidance is not in place to minimise the risk of harm to child on outings by a member of staff/volunteer / stranger/peer L Reference safe management of access sessions. Health and Safety risk assessments are also completed for some activities
15) A policy is not in place for responding to information requests on behalf of children / young people referenced in protection and welfare reports M A policy will be in place for responding to information requests on behalf of children / young people referenced in protection and welfare reports. This policy is to be established by end of June 2024
16) Child in service may witness an adverse event M Adequate staffing level in place, staff have received specific training in the management of challenging behaviour Ensure guidance is followed and staff   have received relevant training
17) Unsafe equipment used to transport children by staff L There is a regular audit of the safety of the vehicles being used by staff Ensure this is completed on at least an annual basis
18) Risk of harm of bullying of a child by another child or adult during access to services L Codes of conduct in place for children and adults. Ensure all staff, families and relevant bodies are aware of the guidance
19) Risk of harm to a child by unauthorised photography L Relevant guidance for staff in Policy and Procedures document and Staff handbook. Ensure all staff, families and relevant bodies are aware of the guidance
20) Risk of harm to a child from on line abuse through social media or internet access L Guidance available for children and staff in Policy and Procedures plus Staff handbook Ensure all staff, families and relevant bodies are aware of the Guidance
21) A clear policy on confidentiality is not in place L A policy in respect of confidentiality is in place. Ensure the relevance of this policy to safeguarding children is reviewed at a minimum every 2 years
22) Guidance on responding to children who disclose abuse to staff, including mandated persons, is not included in guiding principles and child safeguarding procedures L Guidance is in place in the policy and procedures for the protection and safeguarding of children Ensure all staff, children and families, and relevant bodies are aware of the guidance
23) Clear procedures are not in place for responding to adult disclosures of childhood abuse where it is identified there may be a current risk to a child L Procedures are in place in relevant policy and procedures document for responding to adult disclosures of childhood abuse where it is identified there may be a current risk to a child. Ensure all staff, families and relevant bodies are aware of the guidance
24) There is not a written procedure for responding to allegations made against a child or young person received by staff L Policy and procedures documents Ensure all staff, families and relevant bodies are aware of the policy and procedures
25) A Protected Disclosures  policy is in place for staff  to report concerns externally if they are inhibited, for any reasons, in reporting a concern internally and is available on  the Employee Communication
L As above Ensure that the relevance of this policy in respect of safeguarding children should be reviewed at a minimum of every 2 years
26) A Children First compliant recruitment and selection procedure is not in place with regard to a person’s suitability to work with children /young people L Safe recruitment procedures are in place. Ensure that HR provide an annual update on the status of their compliance with Children First and safe recruitment procedures
27) The organisation does not have a training strategy for child safeguarding training based on a training needs analysis M A training strategy for the Protection and Safeguarding of Children is in place. Ensure that a safeguarding children training needs analysis is completed. Completed June 2024
28) Child safeguarding training provided is not consistent with Children First national guidance 2017 and the Children First Act 2015 L The Child Safeguarding training made available to staff is consistent with Children First national guidance 2017 and the Children First Act 2015. Ensure that all elements of the safeguarding children training plan are fully implemented
29) All staff have not received child safeguarding training relevant to their role in the organisation L By the end of Quarter Two 2024 all staff will have received child safeguarding training relevant to their role in the organisation.
This process will be tracked by the named person and HR
Ensure that the named person and HR provide regular updates to the Directors.
Child safeguarding training completed in June 2024
30) A record of attendees of child safeguarding training is not held by the organisation L A record of attendees of child safeguarding training is held jointly by the named person and HR As above
31) There are not policies and procedures in place to support the safe management of activities in involving children L The Policy and Procedures for the Protection and Safeguarding of Children 2024 references procedures to support the safe management of activities involving children.
Health and Safety risk assessments are also completed for some activities.
Implemented June 2024
32) An accident/incident procedure is not in place for children/young people L Reference Staff handbook
Accidents and Incidents policy
In Place June 2024
33) There is not a code of behaviour in place for staff  which specifies acceptable and unacceptable practice with regard to interacting/working with children/young people L Code of behaviour in place and safe management of access guidance Ensure all staff   are aware of the requirement to comply with this code of behaviour
34) There is not a code of behaviour in place for children/young people, in contact with SAI services, which states the roles and responsibilities in place to encourage positive behaviour L Code of behaviour in place Ensure all children and their parents/carers are aware of this code of behaviour
35) The responsibility for all staff   to report concerns that they may have about a colleague’s practice with children /young people is not clearly stated in policy L Reference Policy and Procedures for the Protection and Safeguarding of Children 2024 Ensure that all staff, families and relevant bodies are aware of this policy and procedures
36) A disciplinary procedure is in place L Disciplinary procedure in place. Ensure that this procedure is reviewed at least every 2 years in respect of relevance to safeguarding children
37) A lone worker policy is not in place L Staff Handbook Ensure that this policy is reviewed at least every 2 years in respect of relevance to safeguarding children
38) A procedure to provide a copy of the child safeguarding policy declaration to parents/guardians upon request is not in place L This procedure is in place. Ensure this information is available in soft and/or hard copy across all SAI facilities
39) Children and young people have not been made aware of their right to be protected, consulted, and treated with respect M Children and young people will have been made aware of their right to be protected, consulted, and treated with respect. Ensure this process is initiated before the end of Quarter 2 2024
40) An anti-bullying policy in respect of children and young people has not been developed L An anti-bullying policy in respect of children and young people has been developed and is referenced within the safeguarding children procedures document. Ensure this policy will be reviewed as part of the regular safeguarding children review process
41) A policy for working in partnership with parents /guardians has not beendeveloped M A policy for working in partnership with parents/guardians has been developed. Ensure this is implemented and reviewed at least every 2 years   Ensure this is completed by end of Quarter 2 2024
42) A complaints policy is not in place L A complaints policy is in place. Ensure this is reviewed at a minimum of every 2 years in respect of relevance to safeguarding children
43) For the selection and recruitment of relevant staff of SAI a Garda clearance is not in place for all relevant staff in 2024 L Garda Clearance is in place from the National Garda Vetting Bureau (NGVB) in
2024 for all relevant staff of SAI
Garda clearance to be reviewed every 3 years for relevant staff

All SAI staff must be familiar with and adhere to the contents of this Child Safeguarding Statement.

A child/young person is anyone under 18 years of age, excluding a person who is or has been married (from 1.1.19, under the Domestic Violence Act 2018, a person under the age of 18 can no longer apply to the Circuit Courts for permission to marry. However, a person may get married if permission was granted before 1.1.19 or an application was made before 1.1.19 and permission was anted afterwards).

6. Procedures

This Child Safeguarding Statement has been developed in compliance with the Children First
Act 2015, Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children (2017) and TUSLA’s Child Safeguarding: A Guide for Policy, Procedure and Practice.
The following procedures support SAI’s intention to safeguard children and young people while they are availing of our services:

  • SAI child safeguarding statement (April 2024)
  • SAI child safeguarding risk assessment and plan (April 2024)
  • SAI policies and procedures for the protection and safeguarding of children (April 2024)
  • SAI procedure for appointing a relevant person for the purposes of the (Statement) (April 2024)
  • SAI procedure for managing abuse allegations against staff (April2024)
  • SAI procedure for maintaining a list of the persons (if any) in the relevant service who are mandated persons (April 2024)
  • SAI anti-bullying guidance (April 2024)
  • SAI online safety for children guidance (April 2024)
  • SAI safe recruitment procedures (April 2024)
  • SAI code of behaviour for staff with regard to their interactions with children and young people (April 2024)
  • SAI code of behaviour for children and young people for when they are availing of SAI services (April 2024)
  • SAI protected disclosures of information policy (April 2024)
  • SAI disciplinary procedure (April 2024)
  • SAI safeguarding children training strategy and action plan (April 2024)
  • SAI safeguarding children communication plan (April 2024)
  • SAI one worker policy (April 2024)
  • SAI confidentiality guidance (April 2024)

All procedures and policies listed above are available on request or are available on the SAI website,

7. Implementation

This Child Safeguarding Statement has now been made available to:

  • All staff, families and relevant agencies linked with SAI
  • And to TUSLA, child and family agency.

SAI is committed to the implementation of this child safeguarding statement and of the policy and procedures that will support our intention to keep children and young people safe from abuse or harm while availing of or in contact with our services
This child safeguarding statement will be reviewed no later than 2 years from the date of issue of this document or as soon as practicable if there has been a material change in any matter to which this statement refers.

Robert Mc Cormack         8th   July 2024

Contact Details for DLP :
Iva Bedzula Prebeg
085 141 36 11

Contact details deputy DLP: 
Meera Caleechurn
085 1650486




Our services are nationwide and we have teams in all areas including:

  • Supervised access Dublin
  • Supervised access Louth
  • Supervised access Kildare
  • Supervised access Clare
  • Supervised Access Meath
  • Supervised Access Galway
  • Supervised access Tipperary
  • Supervised access Carlow
  • Supervised access Wicklow
  • Supervised access Donegal
  • Supervised Access Waterford
  • Supervised Access Wexford